Impact Category Descriptions
Gender: The gender chart will show a breakdown of the audience by gender (male, female).
Age The age chart will show a breakdown of the audience by gender (male, female). The age chart will describe the audience bracketed by decade for individuals 18+: 18-19, 20-29-, 30-39, 40-49-, 50-59, 65+).
Lifestage: The lifestage chart breaks down the audience by stage of life: Gen Y (1980-2000), Gen X (1966-1979), Jonesers (1954-1965), Baby Boomers (1946-1953), Silent Gen (1925-1945), Elders (1910-1924).
Marital Status: The marital status chart describes the audience by category: Married, Not Married, Single, Separated.
Education: The education chart describes education range: Grad Degree, Ugrad Degree (Undergraduate), Some College, High School, and Other.
Employment Status: Employment status contains users who are 1) employed, 2) homemaker, 3) job seeker, or 4) retired.
Estimated Net Worth: Estimated Net Worth contains people with the specified estimated net worth.
Househould Size: Household size contains people who live in a household with the specified number of people present (1; 2; 3+). Property Type contains people who live in a property of the specified type. (Single Family; Multiple Family).
Number of Children: Number of Children contains people who live in a household with a specified number of children present (1, 2, 3+).
Age of Children: Age of Children contains people who live in a household with children within the specified age ranges (0-2; 3-5; 6-10; 11-18).
Family Position: Family Position contains people with the specified family position. (Female Head of Household; Male Head of Household).
Property Type: Household size contains people who live in a household with the specified number of people present (1; 2; 3+). Property Type contains people who live in a property of the specified type. (Single Family; Multiple Family).
Income: The income chart will show a breakdown of the audience by bracket: $0-29K, $30-59K, $6-59K, $60-99:, $100-149K, $150-249, >$250K
Wealth Decile: Wealth Decile contains people in the wealthiest xx% of households (by 10% increments).
Roles: The role chart will describe the audience by role such as Board Member, Business Owner, C-Level Executive, President, VPs, Front-line Mnger
Decision Makers: The decision makers chart will show the share of audience members by departments such as Finance, IT, Sales & Mkt, and Small Business.
Company Age: Company Age contains people who work at companies with a specified age.
Company Size: The Company Size chart will break down the audience by the number of employees for the company where the audience individual works.
Sales Volume: The sales chart will describe the audience by revenue bracket for the company where this individual works.
Industries and Occupations: The industry chart will break down the audience by top area industry and occupation brackets such as Transportation & Logistics, Telecommunications, Science & Engineering, Education, Legal, and Business & Financial.
Past Technology Purchases: This chart will describe the audience by their recent past technology purchases.